
Healthy Habits

June 12, 2024
hands being washed to get bacteria off hands

You Are More Bacteria Than Human

The Surprising Benefits of Your Microbial Self!   Have you ever stopped to consider that you are more bacteria than human? It may sound strange, but it’s true. The human body is host to trillions […]
June 5, 2024

Is Decaf Coffee Safe?

Understanding the Potential Risks of Methylene Chloride What You Should Know.. When you crave a cup of coffee but want to avoid caffeine, decaf coffee seems like the perfect choice. It offers the same rich […]
March 5, 2024
Shawn Wells Top Health Measurements

5 Best Health Measurements to Track

What health measurements do you consider regularly? Have you been chasing a number on the scale? When you think about getting healthier, is weight loss the first thing that comes to mind? When you visit […]
March 4, 2024
Shawn Wells Anti-Aging Strategies

The 6 Best Anti-Aging Strategies

Finding the fountain of youth is part of the dream, isn’t it? Stopping or reversing the effects of aging for a younger appearance, stronger body, more energy, better health, etc. Who wouldn’t want that?! This […]
March 4, 2024
Shawn Wells Vitamin D FAQ

Vitamin D FAQ

Are you getting enough of the sunshine vitamin? Statistically speaking, odds are that you aren’t. 1 billion people globally are clinically deficient in vitamin D. Current data suggest that optimal levels are 20 nannograms/milliliter to […]
March 2, 2024
Shawn Wells Detox

Detox Your Life: 4 Top Tips

The health industry LOVES its buzzwords: Low-carb, Quick-fix, Cleansing, Detox. The thing about buzzwords is that they don’t mean much. They don’t have lasting effects because they are only focusing on part of an issue […]
March 1, 2024
Shawn Wells anti-inflammatory diet

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: What You Need To Know

Inflamed, in pain and drained…sound like you? Considering over 125 million Americans live with chronic conditions, it wouldn’t be surprising if the answer is yes. Many people are unaware of the negative effects of chronic […]
February 25, 2024
Gut Health

How To Destroy Your Gut Health 101

It’s no secret that our gut health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Everything from digestion and immunity to mood and mental health is impacted by our gut. In fact, our gut is […]
February 24, 2024
Shawn Wells Extended Fasting

Extended Fasting 101

The idea of not eating for multiple days in a row may seem overwhelming or even extreme to some. But when done safely and with a plan, extended fasting can be a great tool to […]
January 28, 2024
Shawn Wells Morning Biohacks

6 Morning Biohacks To Start Your Day Right

Mornings are the foundation of our day as they set the tone for the hours ahead. Starting your morning in a healthy, positive way can have a significant impact on your mood, energy levels and […]
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