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How to Develop a Growth Mindset

How to Develop a Growth Mindset

The beautiful is in the “broken.”

What a powerful statement this is!

Life is about being on a journey of growth. That growth includes mental growth and change. But that growth and change can’t occur without learning to accept the parts of yourself that are not “perfect.”

First we must develop a growth mindset.

Accepting Your Imperfections to Develop a Growth Mindset

The first step is remembering that NO ONE is perfect, and why would you want to be perfect anyway? Perfect may look pretty in a picture, but most people have a hard time relating to perfection. We are all imperfect, and there is beauty in our imperfections because they make us unique. We sometimes forget that traits and personalities are advantageous in certain situations and disadvantageous in others. As a result, sometimes your strengths are your weaknesses, and vice-versa, so our smartest move is to own our imperfections.

Growing up, I may have been called “thunder thighs” but after a lot of reflection and work, I have been able to reframe my experiences. This allowed me to see my big legs as a source of power. I excel at volleyball, basketball and squats which makes me unique so I own it. And so should you, whatever your uniqueness is.

The next step is working on how you talk to yourself. Do you lift yourself up by looking in the mirror every morning and saying, “I am beautiful, I am smart, I am thriving, I am amazing,” or is your self-talk filled with negativity, “I am dumb, I am ugly, I can’t do it,” etc?

The negative self-talk trap is easy to fall into. We have so many pressures from society, our friends, our families and ourselves that it can become easy to play the comparison game and start reprimanding yourself when you don’t match this preconceived notion of perfection. But, if you want to grow, this needs to stop. 

5 Growth Mindset Tips

  1. Start with your why. – Almost every decision in life can be made by asking, “Is this serving my why or not serving my why?”
  2. It is about the journey, not just the destination. – As with every journey, there are going to be ups and downs—but by being present, we get to remain engaged, learn lessons and appreciate the process.
  3. Fear of failure is much worse than failure itself. – Successful people view everything as an experiment: you either hit the jackpot or you realize, “Nope, that wasn’t it.”
  4. Adversity is an opportunity for growth. – Getting out of our comfort zone is how we evolve and become stronger, smarter, faster, better.
  5. Have gratitude for where you are now. – Success begets more wins and successes.

Working on the above will help you develop a growth mindset. Remember, you are malleable and able to learn new things to reach the top of the next mountain.

Developing love for yourself gives you the freedom to experiment and opens you up to new opportunities that wouldn’t have been there if you hadn’t done that work on yourself first.

Growth is a never-ending process. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve the outside. BUT, we must turn inward if we want to continue moving forward. You must love yourself. And from there, gently, and lovingly peel back the layers to become who you were meant to be. More about this in The ENERGY Formula.

Getting Started

Start with daily affirmations or journaling and see what changes occur. Then continue to experiment with other changes. Mindset shifts will start occurring. If you’re already at the point where you are starting to experiment more and make other resolutions for yourself, make sure you check out Goals, Mindset, and Resolutions for a few other tips on how to get started and stay on track with those. Developing that growth mindset will do amazing things for your life and I can’t wait to see you do it!

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Who is Shawn Wells?

Although I’ve suffered from countless issues, including chronic pain, auto-immunity, and depression, those are the very struggles that have led me to becoming a biochemist, formulation scientist, dietitian, and sports nutritionist who is now thriving. My personal experiences, experiments, and trials also have a much deeper purpose: To serve you, educate you, and ultimately help you optimize your health and longevity, reduce pain, and live your best life.

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