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Biohacks and Supplements to Help with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

Biohacks and Supplements to Help with Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

Ingredientologist by Shawn Wells

If you’ve followed my content for a while then you’re probably aware that aside from supplements, ingredients, keto and biohacking, one of the topics I am most passionate about is mental health.

I have spoken before about my struggles with depression and the suicidal thoughts that I’ve struggled with many times in my life. As a child, I struggled with being overweight, bullying, loneliness, and suicidal thoughts. I again struggled with them as an adult dealing with fibromyalgia, a brain tumor, body dysmorphia, and more.

As a high emotional feeler who is empathetic and feels things more intensely and connects to things a little more deeply, I struggle with things more than most.

The thing I want to point out is that people couldn’t always tell when I was struggling. This photo is a prime example. Here I look to be happy, fulfilled, relaxed all the while battlingShawn Wells smiling on a boat my demons deeply inside. I was struggling with suicidal thoughts during the time this photo was taken.

I, like so many others, tried to hide this side of me. I put on a front and pretended that I was happy and successful all the time even when the struggle was very real.

But, I don’t run from it anymore. Of course, I still struggle at times. Sometimes life gets hard, busy, stressful, overwhelming but I have done a lot of work to reach a better place.

Part of that work included talking about it, not just in therapy but with family, friends, and publicly on my different platforms. It helps me lessen the burden and know that there are people out there who care. I also know my talking about it might help someone else.

Another thing that helped me significantly was discovering biohacking. It sparked a fire in me that I never imagined I had. And all though there were days that I wanted to go back to old habits and lie in bed all day, I taught myself to push through, follow my routine, rely on the biohacks that I discovered helped me.

Through my success in biohacking, I realized that I needed to make self-care a priority and when I say self-care, I’m not just referring to a day at the spa. Self-care is far more layered than that. I realized that I needed to focus more on the basics like exercising and diet. It was difficult but I came to accept that even on the days where I struggled to get out of bed, my workout was needed.

Some people worry that when I talk about biohacks I mean only the ones that might cost money but there are a ton of biohacks you can incorporate that are free or very minimal in cost.

My Favorite Top 12 Biohacks12 biohacks for a better life

  • Meditation/Prayer – reduced stress, calmer emotions⁣
  • Gratitude Journaling – new perspective, clarity⁣
  • Dancing – mood boost, better coordination⁣
  • Sunbathing – improved mood, better sleep
  • Whole Food – increased nutrients, reduced risk of disease
  • Sleep Optimization – immune system boost, increased productivity
  • Supplementation – ensures proper nutrients, cognitive health
  • Affirmations – confidence boost, improved quality of life
  • Grounding – reduced fatigue and anxiety
  • Breathwork – increased self-awareness and joy
  • Reading – improved brain connections, aids in sleep
  • Hydration – increased energy, maximizes physical performance

I encourage you to check out my book, The ENERGY Formula, for a more in-depth look into these and other biohacks.

Aside from talking about my depression and suicidal thoughts and embracing the world of biohacking I also developed supplement stacks for both depression and anxiety. Before I share these though, I want to stress that I am not recommending you take all of these. These are my top supplements for depression and anxiety, but you have to experiment to see which ones work best for you. There are some that may help me significantly but do not make an impact on you. Remember, bioindividuality. What each of us needs to be at our best is different from others and even different from ourselves sometimes. Something may work for you today but not work for you a year from now. This is why I always harp on the importance of experimentation in your health journey.

Top Supplements for Depression

  • SAMe
  • Zembrin
  • 5-HTP
  • High DHA Fish Oil
  • Saffron
  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6 (p5p)
  • Vitamin B12
  • GABA

Top Supplements for Anxiety

  • Magnesium
  • Skullcap
  • L-Theanine
  • Rhodiola
  • 5-HTP
  • Chamomile and Valerian
  • Magnolia Bark
  • Fish oil
  • Holy Basil

Possibly one of the most important things I can say about this mental health discussion is that it’s important to realize that no one is “ok” all the time. We all struggle, and all our struggles are different. And that is OKAY!

Once you realize that you are allowed to struggle and even though you are experiencing success or have a wonderful family, friends, home life, etc. it doesn’t mean you have to feel happy and fulfilled each and every day. Then start trying some of these recommendations I’ve shared that have helped me and take it one day at a time.

If you need help or are struggling, reach out to me or talk to someone you trust.

We are stronger together!

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 800-273-8255 for free and confidential support. It’s open 24/7. For crisis support in Spanish, call 888-628-9454.

Who is Shawn Wells?

Although I’ve suffered from countless issues, including chronic pain, auto-immunity, and depression, those are the very struggles that have led me to becoming a biochemist, formulation scientist, dietitian, and sports nutritionist who is now thriving. My personal experiences, experiments, and trials also have a much deeper purpose: To serve you, educate you, and ultimately help you optimize your health and longevity, reduce pain, and live your best life.

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